The European Movement Poland Board of directors

Marcin Święcicki
The President
Marcin Święcicki served as deputy minister of economy and then minister for foreign economic relations from 1989 to 1991. Three terms in the Parialment (1989-1991, 1993 -1996, 2011-2015). The mayor of Warsaw (1994-1999). An advisor to the President of Lithuania on economic reforms (1999-2000).The director of economic and environmental affairs at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE, 2002-2005).
In EMP he represents The Association for Democracy

Maria Dunin-Wąsowicz
Vice President
Maria Dunin-Wąsowicz, PhD, specializes in political aspects of economic relations, in 1998-2001 she was a member of a team negotiating Polish membership in the UE.

Nina Witoszek
Vice President
Nina Witoszek is a Polish-Irish-Norwegian writer and research professor at the Center for Development and the Environment in Oslo. She is also director of the Arne Næss Programme on Global Justice and the Environment at the University of Oslo.
In EMP she represents The Citizen’s Education for Democracy and European Integration Association, The European Movement, Norway.

Małgorzata Fuszara
Małgorzata Fuszara specializes in sociology of law and politics, gender studies, minorities, a professor of humanities. Former deputy minister of equality.
In EMP she represents Women’s Congress.

Małgorzata Lech-Krawczyk
Social Activist
In EMP she represents The Association for Democracy and European Integration.

Cezary Paweł Kasprzak
Social activist and journalist
In EMP he represents the Citizens of RP.

Bartłomiej Nowotarski
Constitutional lawyer, political scientist, associate professor at the University of Economics in Wrocław. He specializes in global crises of modern democracies and transformations to democracy. He took part in missions to Egypt and Tunisia during the so-called “Arab Spring”.
In EMP he represents the Committee for the Defense of Democracy.
Maria Dunin-Wąsowicz
Maria Dunin-Wąsowicz, PhD, specializes in political aspects of economic relations, in 1998-2001 she was a member of a team negotiating Polish membership in the UE.